Real Food.
Real People.
Real Results.
We have a results guarantee because when we create health in the body, it ALWAYS works!
With the reset, I have been supported from day one personally, from Miranda and from every other person that has gone on this walk with me within the group, we share stories and we connect. And it has been so beautiful. That has been one of the saving graces for me to be able to see myself in others and for them to see themselves in me. That connection. Now, I feel great. I feel alive. I feel like I can do anything.
I just hope for those people that see no hope and that don't know where to go, where to turn, that you just do it, just jump in. You have nothing to lose. You have everything to gain. All those negative tapes that we play in our heads and all the things of critical thinking and critical talk we say about ourselves, put it aside and allow someone like Miranda and this family to walk beside you and put their arms around you and love you in a way that maybe you can't. And that's okay. But you just have to step in and say, hey, I need help.
Lost 37 pounds in 8 weeks
I have never been a part of a group that has been so uplifting and positive. And granted, we may not all have the same exact story, but we lift each other up and there to support and answer questions and help, and it truly feels like a family. It is. It's the thing I'm most proud of in my entire life, like, I thought of my kids. You all are so amazing. And the collective experiences and wisdom and education and just powerful of all of us loving on each other, it's the best thing in the world.
Lost 44 pounds and 36 inches!
I had enough with autoimmune disorders, one after the other, feeling fatigued, no energy and anxiety. Now, I feel so much better and have so much more energy. My skin issues are improving. It's not just like a little manual where you're going to know what to do, and it's not just a group where you're asking questions. It's so much more than that. It's the experience that you have that changes you. I just have this tribe, this army behind me, cheering me on.
Lost 30 pounds and over 40 inches
Since starting the reset, my sleep has improved, my blood pressure has improved. I'm actually getting ready to meet with my doctor to get off all of the blood pressure medication that I'm on. I feel so much better. I don't feel as tired and I feel like I don't need that pick me up, Starbucks drink in the morning to get me through the day. I just feel like even mentally, I'm in a completely different place than I was prior to the reset.
Lost 60 pounds and 2 dress sizes
Lost 65 pounds!
I need a new wardrobe now! That's a great problem to have.
Lost 60 pounds!
I have completely transformed my body and health in recovering from autoimmune conditions.
Lost over 60 pounds!
As a single mom, I've
lost over 60 pounds
and have the energy to
keep up with my kids!
When we think about our weight loss journeys, we have so much failure and shame and negative self talk. But within the team, we all are there supporting each other. No matter what I need, no matter when I need it, I'm posting, asking questions, and I'm getting immediate responses from tons of people who are giving me amazing information every single day. Every single day. And it's all positive.
Lost 37 pounds and 40 inches
The very first thing that I noticed, literally two weeks in, was that my heart rate was beginning to stabilize. It has been almost three months now that I'm off high blood pressure pills. My pre-diabetes is reversed. My husband has reaped the benefits of it as well. He feels a million times better. His inflammation is gone. Just because we learned how to cook, we learned about the ingredients. I eat way more than I have ever. I eat awesome. We make beautiful meals.
Lost over 50 pounds and 70 inches
I love going to the grocery store now. I just feel so empowered by my choices and picking out all the whole foods and the healthy ingredients. I've always hated making dinner, so it's been fun trying out new recipes and getting back in the swing of things there. What I love about our community is that we are sharing our love for these foods and that is what makes it sustainable.
Lost 26 pounds and 34 inches
I've noticed big energy changes. I've noticed the decreased need to snack.
When you enjoy things that intentionally are helping you to be successful and are helping your body to create healing and you just find your groove with it, that's what it's all about. Feeling how good I was starting to feel through it, that was motivation enough to keep doing it.
Lost 30 pounds and 40 inches
I've been on Reset now for eight months and I am 69 years old. I was scared that I was too old to make these changes, but I gotta tell you, I'm not. And you're never too old to make changes in your life for the better.
I'm off cholesterol medicine. I am off high blood pressure medicine for my heart and acid reflux. I've always had energy, but now I am just bouncing off walls.
I felt like I already knew what to do because I've been there, I've done it, I've been successful. But I then went back to bad habits and then I would gain more weight back and have to lose it all again. I am shocked at how well I've actually done with this program in such a short amount of time and still learning so many new things that I thought I had already known to do. So I'm just thrilled with this program and I love the community that you've put together.
Lost 37 pounds and 37 inches
I had gained quite a bit of weight in the last two to three years. I've always been a really active person. I could see myself slowing down. And I also found out that my thyroid was all out of whack, and I got diagnosed with pre-diabetes. And then I, of course, tried to do it on my own to fix it with my diet. That didn't work. Now, I feel like a totally different person. I actually feel better than I did before I started gaining weight. My mind is so much clearer now, and I'm not stressed because I was so stressed before.
Lost 35 pounds and 27 inches
Kudos to Miranda, because there is no way that I could have done all this on my own. This is all diet. And I'm telling you, I'm eating things now that I never ate. Delicious food. Great foods. And we're not hungry. I love the life that it's buying me and the fact that by losing 100 pounds, I've gained ten years of life back with my wife. When you start to trust yourself and you start to see what's possible, that is the most freeing thing in the world.
Shurrenda & Dave
Together lost over 165 pounds and 8 medications
We all think that this has to be this torturous process where I must slave in a gym, must restrict all food and be tortured in order to do this thing. The Reset is different. It's about community in a way that I've never felt before. And the way that everybody at all stages, we all support each other, it's so different. I've been through other programs where we've all weighed in together and it was coming from, again, like a place of lack or one upping each other. There's none of that. Everybody is there to support.
Lost 34 pounds and 32 inches
Are you ready to start your transformation?
It all begins with the first step.
I understand what it feels like to have tried everything and feel hopeless, but one step in the right direction can shift the rest of your life! Don’t wait. Book your free call with me and we will go over your story together to create the results you deserve. It’s more than possible, it’s guaranteed!
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